Monday, April 8, 2013

Ada Doney Lowe Hart: Patriarchal Blessing

***This blessing was, BY FAR, the hardest to read.  My apologies for the gaps.  For those unaware, Ada was Arthur's first wife.  She too received her blessing from John Smith, the eldest son of Hyrum Smith.***

Preston, Idaho, March 29, 1909.
A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Ada Doney Hart, daughter of James and Elizabeth Lowe, born in Franklin, Oneida Co. Idaho, August 14, 1881.

Sister Ada Doney Hart, according to thy desire I place my hands upon thy head and by virtue of my office pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee which shall be a guide and a comfort unto thee in time to come.  Thou art numbered among the daughters of Zion who were born [unreadable] the covenant, thus an heir to the blessings, gifts and privileges thereof, and I say unto thee be of good cheer and let thy faith [unreadable] for the Eye of the Lord has been upon thee from thy childhood and thou hast been preserved from the evils of the world, the power of the destroyer and those who would lead thee into [unreadable] and forbidden paths.  For a decree of the Father thou shalt go forth at an early age.  Thou hast a mission to fulfill, a work to do in which you shall see changes among the people, and [unreadable] and for this thy life has been preserved and for this thy guardian angel has given charge concerning thee.  Therefore I say unto thee be firm and in thy righteousness remember the teachings of thy parents, and follow the promptings of the comforter within thee and thy days and years shall be many.  And by listening to the voice of prophesy according the the law of nature, thou shalt be healthy and [unreadable].  Thou shalt be wise in counsel among thy [unreadable] in thy habitation for thou shalt gain knowledge through the experience of the past and the younger shall receive benefit through thee, for it is thy duty to guide and guard the younger and assist those who labor [unreadable].  Thou shalt teach thy children the gospel of truth and they shall bless thee in thine old age, and hear thy name in honorable remembrance as Mother in Israel.  Thou shalt be known far and near.  Thou art of Ephraim and with thy companion shall receive thy blessings with thine inheritance among those have fought the good fight.  Keep thy faith firm [unreadable].  Thou shalt have joy in thy daily vocations.  Thy table shall be spread with the bounties of the earth and no one shall be turned away from thy doors hungry for it is thy position to be kind to all and for thy generosity thou shalt be remembered in after years.  The Lord is pleased with thine integrity, therefore be cheerful in thy comportment.  This blessing I seal upon thee in the name of Jesus Christ and I seal thee unto eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection with many of thy kindred and friends.  Even so, Amen.

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