Thursday, April 4, 2013

Arthur W. Hart: Patriarchal Blessing(s)

***Important note: when I received copies of Patriarchal Blessings for my dead relatives, I was surprised to discover that Arthur had apparently received 2 separate blessings.  I called Church HQ to confirm that both blessings belonged to the Arthur Hart in question and they confirmed the fact that he, for whatever reason, received 2 separate Patriarchal Blessings (one in 1899, another in 1903) during his lifetime. The first blessing was given by John Smith, who was the eldest son of Hyrum Smith.  Originally, the position of Church Patriarch was meant to be hereditary, passed down to the eldest son in the family.  With the passing of Joseph Smith, Sr. (the original Church Patriarch), the position of Patriarch became Hyrum's prerogative. With Hyrum's murder, the position fell to his eldest son, John Smith, who became the longest serving Patriarch in church history, and the man who gave Arthur his first blessing.  It wasn't until the early 1900s that the position of Church Patriarch became a stake calling, which may explain why Arthur received a second blessing in 1903.  I have kept these blessings as "original" as I could, adding only punctuation for clarity (John Smith, or whoever was acting as his scribe, apparently didn't like using punctuation in any form because Arthur's 1899 blessing is virtually void of it).  Anyway, enjoy.***

Preston, Idaho. December 15th, 1899.
A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Arthur William Hart, son of James H. and Sabina Hart, born in Bloomington, Bear Lake County Idaho, October 16th, 1869.

Brother Arthur W. Hart, according to thy desire I place my hands upon thy head and by virtue of my office pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee which shall be a guide and a comfort unto thee in times to come. Thou art numbered among the sons of Zion who have been chosen to labor in the ministry at home and abroad in the interest of the youth in Zion and for the purpose also of carrying the message of life and salvation unto the inhabitants of the earth.  Thou art also one of those who was born heirs to the priesthood.  It is thy duty to sit in council with thy brethren  to expound the scriptures, to teach and to guide the younger and to exhort the saints to faithfulness.  It is therefore necessary that you ask wisdom of the Father and learn to listen to the whispering of the spirit and be guided thereby, for through this source thy guardian angel will communicate unto thee the will of the Father and thy duty; for it is thy privilege to live to a good old age, to see much of the world and to assist in gathering scattered Israel.  Be firm and diligent and the blessing of the Lord shall attend thy labors and give thee peace.  Barriers shall be removed from thy path and in answer to prayer thou shalt have the gift of discernment and doubts shall be removed from thy mind.  The vision of thine understanding shall be opened that thou shalt see things as they are [unreadable] thy faith shall increase as is thy privilege to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover and the name of the Lord therein shall be glorified.  The Lord knoweth the secrets of thy heart and thou shalt in no wise lose thy reward, therefore remember to be cheerful in thy department for through this source thou shalt gain friends and influence among the people, especially in thy journeyings among strangers.  Thou art of Ephraim and entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, with the gifts and privileges promised unto the fathers in Israel.  Therefore, let thy faith fail not for according to the decree of the fathers so shall it be.  Therefore be comforted and look forward to the future with pleasure for thou shalt fill thy mission and secure an inheritance hereafter, among those of the just.  Even so, Amen.


Franklin, Oneida County, Idaho.  March 8th, 1903.
A blessing given by Samuel R. Parkinson upon the head of Arthur William Hart, son of James H. and Sabina Hart, born in Bloomington Bear Lake County, Idaho, October 16th, 1869.

Brother Hart I lay my hands upon your head and give you a Patriarchal Blessing and pray my Heavenly Father to bless me at this time with his Holy Spirit that it may lead and dictate my mind and insight the words of your blessing; thou art of Ephraim and entitled to all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, therefore be buoyant in your spirit, the Lord has heard thy supplication from time to time and He will answer thee in His own due time; be faithful and true to thy covenants and the Lord will hold no good gift from you.  Thou shalt be blessed in thy basket and in thy store and in every desire in thy heart in righteousness, therefore be comforted.  Thou shalt be blessed with a family that thou shalt be proud of and will be a comfort to thee in thy declining years and from time to time.  Thou shalt preach this gospel to unbelievers and take joy and satisfaction in thy labors.  It shall be thy privilege to do much good in thy day and generation. Thou shalt travel upon land and sea to spread this gospel, therefore be humble and prayerful and the Lord will hear thy prayers and thou shalt be protected from thine enemies and they shall have no power over thee.  Thous shalt take great joy and satisfaction in thy labors.  It shall be thy privilege to labor for the living and the dead.  Thou shalt stand on Mount Zion and see the Savior face to face.  I seal these blessings upon you with your former blessings that has hitherto been sealed upon you, and seal you up to come forth in the morning of the First Resurrection, crowned with great principalities and powers, and I do this through your faithfulness, and I do this by the Holy Patriarchal Priesthood, which I hold and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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