***This blessing was, BY FAR, the hardest to read. My apologies for the gaps. For those unaware, Ada was Arthur's first wife. She too received her blessing from John Smith, the eldest son of Hyrum Smith.***
Preston, Idaho, March 29, 1909.
A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Ada Doney Hart, daughter of James and Elizabeth Lowe, born in Franklin, Oneida Co. Idaho, August 14, 1881.
Sister Ada Doney Hart, according to thy desire I place my hands upon thy head and by virtue of my office pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee which shall be a guide and a comfort unto thee in time to come. Thou art numbered among the daughters of Zion who were born [unreadable] the covenant, thus an heir to the blessings, gifts and privileges thereof, and I say unto thee be of good cheer and let thy faith [unreadable] for the Eye of the Lord has been upon thee from thy childhood and thou hast been preserved from the evils of the world, the power of the destroyer and those who would lead thee into [unreadable] and forbidden paths. For a decree of the Father thou shalt go forth at an early age. Thou hast a mission to fulfill, a work to do in which you shall see changes among the people, and [unreadable] and for this thy life has been preserved and for this thy guardian angel has given charge concerning thee. Therefore I say unto thee be firm and in thy righteousness remember the teachings of thy parents, and follow the promptings of the comforter within thee and thy days and years shall be many. And by listening to the voice of prophesy according the the law of nature, thou shalt be healthy and [unreadable]. Thou shalt be wise in counsel among thy [unreadable] in thy habitation for thou shalt gain knowledge through the experience of the past and the younger shall receive benefit through thee, for it is thy duty to guide and guard the younger and assist those who labor [unreadable]. Thou shalt teach thy children the gospel of truth and they shall bless thee in thine old age, and hear thy name in honorable remembrance as Mother in Israel. Thou shalt be known far and near. Thou art of Ephraim and with thy companion shall receive thy blessings with thine inheritance among those have fought the good fight. Keep thy faith firm [unreadable]. Thou shalt have joy in thy daily vocations. Thy table shall be spread with the bounties of the earth and no one shall be turned away from thy doors hungry for it is thy position to be kind to all and for thy generosity thou shalt be remembered in after years. The Lord is pleased with thine integrity, therefore be cheerful in thy comportment. This blessing I seal upon thee in the name of Jesus Christ and I seal thee unto eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection with many of thy kindred and friends. Even so, Amen.
An online collection of family videos/pictures/memories. If you have any material that you'd like to share PLEASE do so.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Jeanne Brown Hart: Patriarchal Blessing
A blessing given by Patriarch Reese J. Davis upon the head of Jeanne Brown, daughter of John Robert Brown and Ila Sampson; born May 10, 1926, at Preston, Idaho.
Sister Jeanne Brown, by virtue of the authority which I hold, and in the name of Jesus Christ, I place my hands upon your head and give unto you a Patriarchs' blessing; this blessing that God, our eternal father, shall reveal to you, through me as His servant, by this set plan ordained in the heavens before the foundation of this earth was laid, wherein it should be revealed unto the children of men, their lineage and their for-parents. God has blessed you and He will continue to bless you, because of your lineage, which is from Ephraim who was promised in the latter days his posterity should be gathered from the nations of the earth and brought to a land called Zion, and it is here that the ever-lasting gospel has been restored upon the earth; for this place called Zion has been set apart for the purpose of the Lord, and it is here that He has caused his ever-lasting gospel to be restored for the salvation of His children. You have been blessed as one of the choice spirits who, at one time, was in the presence of God, and was promised that you should come to the earth at this time and fulfill the purposes that God has caused that His children here upon this earth shall perform. Unto you, He has revealed that a great and glorious work has come among the children of men. You have become a member of His church and a great responsibility now rests upon you; the Lord requires of you that you shall become interested in the work of the living for the dead, for among your fathers and your mothers posterity there is today, a great many spirits who are waiting that the labors required of the living for the dead shall be performed in order that they may continue to progress and gain eternal life. This work, dear sister, is not being done, and the Lord requires of you, that through your understanding, that you shall be blessed with a desire to go the the House of the Lord and there labor in doing the work that is required. You shall be unto your parents, a guide ; you shall be unto them a savior, for you shall have the power and influence with them, to do the work that the Lord requires of them -- this blessing He will give unto you, if you will be prayerful. He will reveal unto you, the truth of the gospel -- that this work is His work and His glory, and that the labors performed by the living for the dead shall bring forth the immortality and eternal life of His children. Dear sister, these responsibilities the Lord now reveals unto you; he will bless you in many ways, and you shall have a desire to go to the House of the Lord and do His will. You shall become a Mother in Israel -- the greatest blessing that is given to His daughters here upon the earth. You shall be blessed by your children and cared for by them; you shall live long upon this land for the purposes which now, have been revealed unto you. The Lord with bless you with health and with strength, and the means shall be found for you to labor among your relatives. God will bless you, dear sister, that you shall be honored among those with whom you associate, for your kindness, your virtue, your honesty and determination to do His will and keep His commandments. Satan shall not have power to change the course of your desires in life. You shall continue faithful unto the end, and enjoy all things in righteousness. I seal you against the power of evil, and when you have completed life's purposes on this earth, you shall be laid away in the robes of the holy priesthood, to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, clothed with immortality and eternal life, there to enter the presence of God, our eternal father, and receive the reward of a work well done. These blessings shall be yours through obedience to those placed in authority over you and through your faithfulness; I seal them upon you by virtue of the priesthood which I hold, and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Sister Jeanne Brown, by virtue of the authority which I hold, and in the name of Jesus Christ, I place my hands upon your head and give unto you a Patriarchs' blessing; this blessing that God, our eternal father, shall reveal to you, through me as His servant, by this set plan ordained in the heavens before the foundation of this earth was laid, wherein it should be revealed unto the children of men, their lineage and their for-parents. God has blessed you and He will continue to bless you, because of your lineage, which is from Ephraim who was promised in the latter days his posterity should be gathered from the nations of the earth and brought to a land called Zion, and it is here that the ever-lasting gospel has been restored upon the earth; for this place called Zion has been set apart for the purpose of the Lord, and it is here that He has caused his ever-lasting gospel to be restored for the salvation of His children. You have been blessed as one of the choice spirits who, at one time, was in the presence of God, and was promised that you should come to the earth at this time and fulfill the purposes that God has caused that His children here upon this earth shall perform. Unto you, He has revealed that a great and glorious work has come among the children of men. You have become a member of His church and a great responsibility now rests upon you; the Lord requires of you that you shall become interested in the work of the living for the dead, for among your fathers and your mothers posterity there is today, a great many spirits who are waiting that the labors required of the living for the dead shall be performed in order that they may continue to progress and gain eternal life. This work, dear sister, is not being done, and the Lord requires of you, that through your understanding, that you shall be blessed with a desire to go the the House of the Lord and there labor in doing the work that is required. You shall be unto your parents, a guide ; you shall be unto them a savior, for you shall have the power and influence with them, to do the work that the Lord requires of them -- this blessing He will give unto you, if you will be prayerful. He will reveal unto you, the truth of the gospel -- that this work is His work and His glory, and that the labors performed by the living for the dead shall bring forth the immortality and eternal life of His children. Dear sister, these responsibilities the Lord now reveals unto you; he will bless you in many ways, and you shall have a desire to go to the House of the Lord and do His will. You shall become a Mother in Israel -- the greatest blessing that is given to His daughters here upon the earth. You shall be blessed by your children and cared for by them; you shall live long upon this land for the purposes which now, have been revealed unto you. The Lord with bless you with health and with strength, and the means shall be found for you to labor among your relatives. God will bless you, dear sister, that you shall be honored among those with whom you associate, for your kindness, your virtue, your honesty and determination to do His will and keep His commandments. Satan shall not have power to change the course of your desires in life. You shall continue faithful unto the end, and enjoy all things in righteousness. I seal you against the power of evil, and when you have completed life's purposes on this earth, you shall be laid away in the robes of the holy priesthood, to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, clothed with immortality and eternal life, there to enter the presence of God, our eternal father, and receive the reward of a work well done. These blessings shall be yours through obedience to those placed in authority over you and through your faithfulness; I seal them upon you by virtue of the priesthood which I hold, and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Alan W. Hart Patriarchal Blessing
May 31, 1970. Grand Junction, Co.
Blessing given by Louis S. Cardon
Brother Alan Wendell Hart:
By the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, which I bear and as an ordained Patriarch in the Grand Junction Stake, I place my hands upon your head to give you your Patriarchal Blessing. I give you this blessing, Brother Hart, expressly for your comfort and consolation and peace of mind, and may you receive the same in a spirit of humility and thanksgiving for this sacred hour in which the Lord will reveal unto you the purpose and reality of mortal life, and its unlimited possibilities for your growth and development in things pertaining to righteousness, and give you the inclination to go forward with renewed courage and faith and determination to fulfill your life mission with honor. May the spirit of the Lord be with us in rich abundance that you may enjoy the solemnity of this occasion, and receive a higher conception of your origin, and be made to realize that experience expands one's vision of the spiritual and intellectual values of life, and you will seek constantly for the higher things of life, that which is sacred and holy, and you will see life at its best.
The avenue of communication between heaven and earth will be constantly open to your view if you will seek the Lord in earnest prayer with humble and contrite spirit, and you will appreciate more fully the beauties of the gospel and the riches of eternity, and your soul will be enriched and purified and the eyes of your understanding will be opened and you will live abundantly. And according to your worthiness the riches of our Heavenly Father's Kingdom will be yours, and you will enjoy a happy blending of all the beautiful and worthwhile things life affords both in time and in eternity.
Alan, our Heavenly Father loves you and is pleased because of your faithful devotion to heavenly discipline while you lived in His presence in the home of your primeval childhood. By reason of your studious attitude, and as a natural consequence of activity, you graduated from your heavenly school of experience and embarked upon your mission in mortality. You bade temporary farewell to heavenly parents and friends and came to earth and tabernacled in the flesh not by accident, not by chance but for definite and glorious purpose; with a covenant that you would accept the Lord's program of earth life, and that you would apply yourself in the consumation of His great purposes, and adapt yourself to existing conditions, and make the best use of your time; appreciating the fact that every worthwhile attainment in life is predicated upon the principles of sacrifice, service and obedience to His purposes in all things.
Alan, love the Lord, keep his commandments and serve Him in righteousness and truth to the end and He will be merciful and gracious to you, and great shall be your reward and eternal shall be your glory. Your name shall be in the Lamb's Book of Life, never to be blotted out, assuring your election; - "And there shall be no more curse there; but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and you shall serve Him. And you shall see His face; and His name shall be in your forehead. And there shall be no night there; and you need no cradle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth you light; and you shall reign for ever and ever."
This is a wondrous day in which we live, and you came into the earth prepared and qualified to withstand the trials and tribulations and temptations, that the saints are beset with in these latter-days; for while you dwelt in that spirit world, the home of your primeval childhood, you were instructed and trained in a life of righteousness; and there you were triumphant and you demonstrated your love and devotion to the teachings of truth; and you kept you First Estate gloriously. You were retained in that spirit realm and then you were sent into mortal life through a choice lineage for you are a son of Abraham, of the House of Israel and the Family of Ephraim, and through this choice lineage you shall be ever strengthened; and wisdom and judgement shall be yours to recognize that strait and narrow path which you should follow. Strength and courage shall be given you according to the day in which you life, and you shall prevail over the forces of darkness and over the disappointment and trials of life, and you shall walk uprightly before the lord and keep His commandments.
The Lord has been kind and merciful unto you all the days of your life, and because you have humbled yourself before Him and acknowledged your need for His blessings He has blessed you with the Pearl of Great Price, membership in His church and Kingdom, and with a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel of salvation. Comparatively few of our Father's children in all the history of the world have received such great blessings as have come into your life. So lift up your heart in gratitude and rejoice for your are numbered among those whose privilege and duty it is to help prepare the earth for the wondrous day when our Lord and Savior will return in His power and glory to reward the faithful and to establish His reign of righteousness and peace over all the earth. For this purpose you were sent into mortal life, to work our your own salvation, and to help others work our their salvation; and to be a servant of the Lord to help in preparing the way for his Millennial reign.
You realized before coming to earth, as the gospel plan of life and salvation was made plain to you, quite in detail, that you would encounter difficulties and that at times your pathway would be rugged, but you also realized that every problem solved and overcome would serve as an additional steppingstone to further progress along the pathway of eternal progression. The Lord is pleased with you for your cheerful countenance and pleasing personality, and for your willingness to submit yourself to His will in all things. I admonish you to seek Him in earnest fervent prayer, and He will come to your aid in time of real need; I bless you with renewed health and vigor of mind and body and strength of spirit, and you shall enjoy full and complete use of all your faculties, and you will grow spiritually and intellectually by keeping your body clean and pure, and free from anything of a defiling nature, by living the law of physical health and spiritual development as it has been revealed to us from heaven in these latter-days. And you will have the love and confidence and respect of those who know you and you will have sweet and pleasant and rich experiences. Be active in participation in the auxiliary organizations of the church and quorums of the priesthood to which you belong, which the Lord has given you as a means of education to continue your scholastic training, and to develop the gifts and talents with which He has endowed you and with which you will realize more fully as you continue in life and by following the straight and narrow way, you will eventually be led back home into the presence from whence you came.
You are a choice son of heavenly parents, held in reserve to come to earth in this momentous era of time, designated "The Dispensation of the Fullness of Time" and I exhort you to respond to every call that comes to you to serve, and you will enjoy the associations of your brethren in your councils and quorums of the priesthood. It will be your privilege to apply the priesthood in homes of the saints in administering to their needs, and especially to the sick and afflicted. You shall lay your hands on their heads and bless them, and shall witness their restoration to health by reason of faith and power of the priesthood, and you shall leave your blessing with them, and the same will manifest itself in your own home and your loved ones will appreciate and enjoy its power and the many blessings the Lord has for them. Those with whom you associate will seek your advice and counsel in things pertaining to righteousness. Your ability as an instructor and teacher of the gospel and in whatever capacity you are called to serve, will increase, and your leadership will improve and you will be assigned from time to time, to labor where you can do the most good in teaching the principles of truth that were instituted in the councils of eternity, to the youth of Zion, and also to the more mature as you continue to advance in years and knowledge of the gospel. I bless you that in your teaching that you shall have a power that goes beyond the mere skill of teaching, that goes beyond sight, that goes beyond hearing. A power to pierce the heart and convince the soul, that remakes an individual, changes a life and brings peace and consolation from a divine source.
I bless you that you shall be wise in your selection of a companion, by earnest prayer to the Lord and by your choice you shall choose one of his favored daughters and handmaiden, and shall have her sealed to you in the House of the Lord, for all time and eternity. Together you will establish an eternal family, a patriarchal family and choice spirits will come into your home and I bless you that in the home you establish the spirit of the Lord will have a directing influence, and there shall be a spirit of love, and harmony and peace and kindness will prevail therein, and that in this atmosphere all that come into the sacredness of your home will enjoy the blessings. And I bless you that you will realize that home and family and teaching them correct principles is your paramount duty in life and your posterity will perpetuate in their lives your noble and worthy examples, and they will become great and useful in their day and generation upon the earth.
Now, Alan, I seal this blessing upon your head, predicated upon your faithfulness, with power to come forth in the Morning of the First Resurrection, there to meet your Redeemer and your loved ones, and to take your place in the Eternal Family and I do this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Blessing given by Louis S. Cardon
Brother Alan Wendell Hart:
By the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, which I bear and as an ordained Patriarch in the Grand Junction Stake, I place my hands upon your head to give you your Patriarchal Blessing. I give you this blessing, Brother Hart, expressly for your comfort and consolation and peace of mind, and may you receive the same in a spirit of humility and thanksgiving for this sacred hour in which the Lord will reveal unto you the purpose and reality of mortal life, and its unlimited possibilities for your growth and development in things pertaining to righteousness, and give you the inclination to go forward with renewed courage and faith and determination to fulfill your life mission with honor. May the spirit of the Lord be with us in rich abundance that you may enjoy the solemnity of this occasion, and receive a higher conception of your origin, and be made to realize that experience expands one's vision of the spiritual and intellectual values of life, and you will seek constantly for the higher things of life, that which is sacred and holy, and you will see life at its best.
The avenue of communication between heaven and earth will be constantly open to your view if you will seek the Lord in earnest prayer with humble and contrite spirit, and you will appreciate more fully the beauties of the gospel and the riches of eternity, and your soul will be enriched and purified and the eyes of your understanding will be opened and you will live abundantly. And according to your worthiness the riches of our Heavenly Father's Kingdom will be yours, and you will enjoy a happy blending of all the beautiful and worthwhile things life affords both in time and in eternity.
Alan, our Heavenly Father loves you and is pleased because of your faithful devotion to heavenly discipline while you lived in His presence in the home of your primeval childhood. By reason of your studious attitude, and as a natural consequence of activity, you graduated from your heavenly school of experience and embarked upon your mission in mortality. You bade temporary farewell to heavenly parents and friends and came to earth and tabernacled in the flesh not by accident, not by chance but for definite and glorious purpose; with a covenant that you would accept the Lord's program of earth life, and that you would apply yourself in the consumation of His great purposes, and adapt yourself to existing conditions, and make the best use of your time; appreciating the fact that every worthwhile attainment in life is predicated upon the principles of sacrifice, service and obedience to His purposes in all things.
Alan, love the Lord, keep his commandments and serve Him in righteousness and truth to the end and He will be merciful and gracious to you, and great shall be your reward and eternal shall be your glory. Your name shall be in the Lamb's Book of Life, never to be blotted out, assuring your election; - "And there shall be no more curse there; but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and you shall serve Him. And you shall see His face; and His name shall be in your forehead. And there shall be no night there; and you need no cradle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth you light; and you shall reign for ever and ever."
This is a wondrous day in which we live, and you came into the earth prepared and qualified to withstand the trials and tribulations and temptations, that the saints are beset with in these latter-days; for while you dwelt in that spirit world, the home of your primeval childhood, you were instructed and trained in a life of righteousness; and there you were triumphant and you demonstrated your love and devotion to the teachings of truth; and you kept you First Estate gloriously. You were retained in that spirit realm and then you were sent into mortal life through a choice lineage for you are a son of Abraham, of the House of Israel and the Family of Ephraim, and through this choice lineage you shall be ever strengthened; and wisdom and judgement shall be yours to recognize that strait and narrow path which you should follow. Strength and courage shall be given you according to the day in which you life, and you shall prevail over the forces of darkness and over the disappointment and trials of life, and you shall walk uprightly before the lord and keep His commandments.
The Lord has been kind and merciful unto you all the days of your life, and because you have humbled yourself before Him and acknowledged your need for His blessings He has blessed you with the Pearl of Great Price, membership in His church and Kingdom, and with a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel of salvation. Comparatively few of our Father's children in all the history of the world have received such great blessings as have come into your life. So lift up your heart in gratitude and rejoice for your are numbered among those whose privilege and duty it is to help prepare the earth for the wondrous day when our Lord and Savior will return in His power and glory to reward the faithful and to establish His reign of righteousness and peace over all the earth. For this purpose you were sent into mortal life, to work our your own salvation, and to help others work our their salvation; and to be a servant of the Lord to help in preparing the way for his Millennial reign.
You realized before coming to earth, as the gospel plan of life and salvation was made plain to you, quite in detail, that you would encounter difficulties and that at times your pathway would be rugged, but you also realized that every problem solved and overcome would serve as an additional steppingstone to further progress along the pathway of eternal progression. The Lord is pleased with you for your cheerful countenance and pleasing personality, and for your willingness to submit yourself to His will in all things. I admonish you to seek Him in earnest fervent prayer, and He will come to your aid in time of real need; I bless you with renewed health and vigor of mind and body and strength of spirit, and you shall enjoy full and complete use of all your faculties, and you will grow spiritually and intellectually by keeping your body clean and pure, and free from anything of a defiling nature, by living the law of physical health and spiritual development as it has been revealed to us from heaven in these latter-days. And you will have the love and confidence and respect of those who know you and you will have sweet and pleasant and rich experiences. Be active in participation in the auxiliary organizations of the church and quorums of the priesthood to which you belong, which the Lord has given you as a means of education to continue your scholastic training, and to develop the gifts and talents with which He has endowed you and with which you will realize more fully as you continue in life and by following the straight and narrow way, you will eventually be led back home into the presence from whence you came.
You are a choice son of heavenly parents, held in reserve to come to earth in this momentous era of time, designated "The Dispensation of the Fullness of Time" and I exhort you to respond to every call that comes to you to serve, and you will enjoy the associations of your brethren in your councils and quorums of the priesthood. It will be your privilege to apply the priesthood in homes of the saints in administering to their needs, and especially to the sick and afflicted. You shall lay your hands on their heads and bless them, and shall witness their restoration to health by reason of faith and power of the priesthood, and you shall leave your blessing with them, and the same will manifest itself in your own home and your loved ones will appreciate and enjoy its power and the many blessings the Lord has for them. Those with whom you associate will seek your advice and counsel in things pertaining to righteousness. Your ability as an instructor and teacher of the gospel and in whatever capacity you are called to serve, will increase, and your leadership will improve and you will be assigned from time to time, to labor where you can do the most good in teaching the principles of truth that were instituted in the councils of eternity, to the youth of Zion, and also to the more mature as you continue to advance in years and knowledge of the gospel. I bless you that in your teaching that you shall have a power that goes beyond the mere skill of teaching, that goes beyond sight, that goes beyond hearing. A power to pierce the heart and convince the soul, that remakes an individual, changes a life and brings peace and consolation from a divine source.
I bless you that you shall be wise in your selection of a companion, by earnest prayer to the Lord and by your choice you shall choose one of his favored daughters and handmaiden, and shall have her sealed to you in the House of the Lord, for all time and eternity. Together you will establish an eternal family, a patriarchal family and choice spirits will come into your home and I bless you that in the home you establish the spirit of the Lord will have a directing influence, and there shall be a spirit of love, and harmony and peace and kindness will prevail therein, and that in this atmosphere all that come into the sacredness of your home will enjoy the blessings. And I bless you that you will realize that home and family and teaching them correct principles is your paramount duty in life and your posterity will perpetuate in their lives your noble and worthy examples, and they will become great and useful in their day and generation upon the earth.
Now, Alan, I seal this blessing upon your head, predicated upon your faithfulness, with power to come forth in the Morning of the First Resurrection, there to meet your Redeemer and your loved ones, and to take your place in the Eternal Family and I do this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Wendell D. Hart: Patriarchal Blessing
Preston, Idaho. December 9th, 1935
A blessing given by William M. Daines, Patriarch, upon the head of Wendell Doney Hart, son of Arthur W. Hart and Ada Lowe Hart.
Brother Hart, by the authority vested in me as a servant of the Lord, I give unto thee a Patriarchal Blessing in the name of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, and I say unto thee rejoice for thine inheritance and for the examples of faithfulness of thy parents and progenitors, for thou hast had laid for thee a solid foundation upon which to build character and personality that will enable thee, as thous dost' go through the journey of life, to perform a wonderful mission of helpfulness in the Kingdom of God upon the Earth.
Thou art of Ephraim, and an heir unto the Holy Priesthood, and shalt be able to exercise the powers thereof to the encouragement and blessing of many with whom thous shalt be called to labor. Thou shalt sustain thy file leaders and receive their blessing and approval, and shall preside in humility and be a power for righteousness. Thou shalt have the privilege of enjoying the Spirit of Prophecy on thy labors in the church, and in humility warn thereby.
Thou shalt have the privilege of preaching the Gospel to seekers after truth at home and abroad and be able to thy efforts to the understanding of the unlearned, and the admiration of the educated, and be able to deliver thy message under the inspiration of the Lord and to the convincing of the honest of heart.
Thous halt have health and strength for thy labors, and opportunity of taking part in the common affairs of life for thy sustenance and that of thy loved ones, and shall be honorable in all thy dealings with thy fellow men. Through humility thous shalt be inspired of the Lord to choose thy course in life and receive all necessary assistance to fit and prepare to do well whatever thou dost set thy hand to accomplish, and shall be honored by the communities where thou shalt live, with their confidence and good will.
Thou shalt be a comfort unto thy parents throughout their lives upon the earth, and be able to assist them in all their emergencies. Thou shalt have faith in all the principles of the Gospel and labor in all thy callings with determination and success.
I seal these blessings upon thy head through thy faith and faithfulness and seal thee up against the powers of the adversary unto the day of redemption, which I do by the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
A blessing given by William M. Daines, Patriarch, upon the head of Wendell Doney Hart, son of Arthur W. Hart and Ada Lowe Hart.
Brother Hart, by the authority vested in me as a servant of the Lord, I give unto thee a Patriarchal Blessing in the name of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, and I say unto thee rejoice for thine inheritance and for the examples of faithfulness of thy parents and progenitors, for thou hast had laid for thee a solid foundation upon which to build character and personality that will enable thee, as thous dost' go through the journey of life, to perform a wonderful mission of helpfulness in the Kingdom of God upon the Earth.
Thou art of Ephraim, and an heir unto the Holy Priesthood, and shalt be able to exercise the powers thereof to the encouragement and blessing of many with whom thous shalt be called to labor. Thou shalt sustain thy file leaders and receive their blessing and approval, and shall preside in humility and be a power for righteousness. Thou shalt have the privilege of enjoying the Spirit of Prophecy on thy labors in the church, and in humility warn thereby.
Thou shalt have the privilege of preaching the Gospel to seekers after truth at home and abroad and be able to thy efforts to the understanding of the unlearned, and the admiration of the educated, and be able to deliver thy message under the inspiration of the Lord and to the convincing of the honest of heart.
Thous halt have health and strength for thy labors, and opportunity of taking part in the common affairs of life for thy sustenance and that of thy loved ones, and shall be honorable in all thy dealings with thy fellow men. Through humility thous shalt be inspired of the Lord to choose thy course in life and receive all necessary assistance to fit and prepare to do well whatever thou dost set thy hand to accomplish, and shall be honored by the communities where thou shalt live, with their confidence and good will.
Thou shalt be a comfort unto thy parents throughout their lives upon the earth, and be able to assist them in all their emergencies. Thou shalt have faith in all the principles of the Gospel and labor in all thy callings with determination and success.
I seal these blessings upon thy head through thy faith and faithfulness and seal thee up against the powers of the adversary unto the day of redemption, which I do by the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Arthur W. Hart: Patriarchal Blessing(s)
***Important note: when I received copies of Patriarchal Blessings for my dead relatives, I was surprised to discover that Arthur had apparently received 2 separate blessings. I called Church HQ to confirm that both blessings belonged to the Arthur Hart in question and they confirmed the fact that he, for whatever reason, received 2 separate Patriarchal Blessings (one in 1899, another in 1903) during his lifetime. The first blessing was given by John Smith, who was the eldest son of Hyrum Smith. Originally, the position of Church Patriarch was meant to be hereditary, passed down to the eldest son in the family. With the passing of Joseph Smith, Sr. (the original Church Patriarch), the position of Patriarch became Hyrum's prerogative. With Hyrum's murder, the position fell to his eldest son, John Smith, who became the longest serving Patriarch in church history, and the man who gave Arthur his first blessing. It wasn't until the early 1900s that the position of Church Patriarch became a stake calling, which may explain why Arthur received a second blessing in 1903. I have kept these blessings as "original" as I could, adding only punctuation for clarity (John Smith, or whoever was acting as his scribe, apparently didn't like using punctuation in any form because Arthur's 1899 blessing is virtually void of it). Anyway, enjoy.***
Preston, Idaho. December 15th, 1899.
A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Arthur William Hart, son of James H. and Sabina Hart, born in Bloomington, Bear Lake County Idaho, October 16th, 1869.
Brother Arthur W. Hart, according to thy desire I place my hands upon thy head and by virtue of my office pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee which shall be a guide and a comfort unto thee in times to come. Thou art numbered among the sons of Zion who have been chosen to labor in the ministry at home and abroad in the interest of the youth in Zion and for the purpose also of carrying the message of life and salvation unto the inhabitants of the earth. Thou art also one of those who was born heirs to the priesthood. It is thy duty to sit in council with thy brethren to expound the scriptures, to teach and to guide the younger and to exhort the saints to faithfulness. It is therefore necessary that you ask wisdom of the Father and learn to listen to the whispering of the spirit and be guided thereby, for through this source thy guardian angel will communicate unto thee the will of the Father and thy duty; for it is thy privilege to live to a good old age, to see much of the world and to assist in gathering scattered Israel. Be firm and diligent and the blessing of the Lord shall attend thy labors and give thee peace. Barriers shall be removed from thy path and in answer to prayer thou shalt have the gift of discernment and doubts shall be removed from thy mind. The vision of thine understanding shall be opened that thou shalt see things as they are [unreadable] thy faith shall increase as is thy privilege to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover and the name of the Lord therein shall be glorified. The Lord knoweth the secrets of thy heart and thou shalt in no wise lose thy reward, therefore remember to be cheerful in thy department for through this source thou shalt gain friends and influence among the people, especially in thy journeyings among strangers. Thou art of Ephraim and entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, with the gifts and privileges promised unto the fathers in Israel. Therefore, let thy faith fail not for according to the decree of the fathers so shall it be. Therefore be comforted and look forward to the future with pleasure for thou shalt fill thy mission and secure an inheritance hereafter, among those of the just. Even so, Amen.
Franklin, Oneida County, Idaho. March 8th, 1903.
A blessing given by Samuel R. Parkinson upon the head of Arthur William Hart, son of James H. and Sabina Hart, born in Bloomington Bear Lake County, Idaho, October 16th, 1869.
Brother Hart I lay my hands upon your head and give you a Patriarchal Blessing and pray my Heavenly Father to bless me at this time with his Holy Spirit that it may lead and dictate my mind and insight the words of your blessing; thou art of Ephraim and entitled to all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, therefore be buoyant in your spirit, the Lord has heard thy supplication from time to time and He will answer thee in His own due time; be faithful and true to thy covenants and the Lord will hold no good gift from you. Thou shalt be blessed in thy basket and in thy store and in every desire in thy heart in righteousness, therefore be comforted. Thou shalt be blessed with a family that thou shalt be proud of and will be a comfort to thee in thy declining years and from time to time. Thou shalt preach this gospel to unbelievers and take joy and satisfaction in thy labors. It shall be thy privilege to do much good in thy day and generation. Thou shalt travel upon land and sea to spread this gospel, therefore be humble and prayerful and the Lord will hear thy prayers and thou shalt be protected from thine enemies and they shall have no power over thee. Thous shalt take great joy and satisfaction in thy labors. It shall be thy privilege to labor for the living and the dead. Thou shalt stand on Mount Zion and see the Savior face to face. I seal these blessings upon you with your former blessings that has hitherto been sealed upon you, and seal you up to come forth in the morning of the First Resurrection, crowned with great principalities and powers, and I do this through your faithfulness, and I do this by the Holy Patriarchal Priesthood, which I hold and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Preston, Idaho. December 15th, 1899.
A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Arthur William Hart, son of James H. and Sabina Hart, born in Bloomington, Bear Lake County Idaho, October 16th, 1869.
Brother Arthur W. Hart, according to thy desire I place my hands upon thy head and by virtue of my office pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee which shall be a guide and a comfort unto thee in times to come. Thou art numbered among the sons of Zion who have been chosen to labor in the ministry at home and abroad in the interest of the youth in Zion and for the purpose also of carrying the message of life and salvation unto the inhabitants of the earth. Thou art also one of those who was born heirs to the priesthood. It is thy duty to sit in council with thy brethren to expound the scriptures, to teach and to guide the younger and to exhort the saints to faithfulness. It is therefore necessary that you ask wisdom of the Father and learn to listen to the whispering of the spirit and be guided thereby, for through this source thy guardian angel will communicate unto thee the will of the Father and thy duty; for it is thy privilege to live to a good old age, to see much of the world and to assist in gathering scattered Israel. Be firm and diligent and the blessing of the Lord shall attend thy labors and give thee peace. Barriers shall be removed from thy path and in answer to prayer thou shalt have the gift of discernment and doubts shall be removed from thy mind. The vision of thine understanding shall be opened that thou shalt see things as they are [unreadable] thy faith shall increase as is thy privilege to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover and the name of the Lord therein shall be glorified. The Lord knoweth the secrets of thy heart and thou shalt in no wise lose thy reward, therefore remember to be cheerful in thy department for through this source thou shalt gain friends and influence among the people, especially in thy journeyings among strangers. Thou art of Ephraim and entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, with the gifts and privileges promised unto the fathers in Israel. Therefore, let thy faith fail not for according to the decree of the fathers so shall it be. Therefore be comforted and look forward to the future with pleasure for thou shalt fill thy mission and secure an inheritance hereafter, among those of the just. Even so, Amen.
Franklin, Oneida County, Idaho. March 8th, 1903.
A blessing given by Samuel R. Parkinson upon the head of Arthur William Hart, son of James H. and Sabina Hart, born in Bloomington Bear Lake County, Idaho, October 16th, 1869.
Brother Hart I lay my hands upon your head and give you a Patriarchal Blessing and pray my Heavenly Father to bless me at this time with his Holy Spirit that it may lead and dictate my mind and insight the words of your blessing; thou art of Ephraim and entitled to all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, therefore be buoyant in your spirit, the Lord has heard thy supplication from time to time and He will answer thee in His own due time; be faithful and true to thy covenants and the Lord will hold no good gift from you. Thou shalt be blessed in thy basket and in thy store and in every desire in thy heart in righteousness, therefore be comforted. Thou shalt be blessed with a family that thou shalt be proud of and will be a comfort to thee in thy declining years and from time to time. Thou shalt preach this gospel to unbelievers and take joy and satisfaction in thy labors. It shall be thy privilege to do much good in thy day and generation. Thou shalt travel upon land and sea to spread this gospel, therefore be humble and prayerful and the Lord will hear thy prayers and thou shalt be protected from thine enemies and they shall have no power over thee. Thous shalt take great joy and satisfaction in thy labors. It shall be thy privilege to labor for the living and the dead. Thou shalt stand on Mount Zion and see the Savior face to face. I seal these blessings upon you with your former blessings that has hitherto been sealed upon you, and seal you up to come forth in the morning of the First Resurrection, crowned with great principalities and powers, and I do this through your faithfulness, and I do this by the Holy Patriarchal Priesthood, which I hold and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
James H. Hart: Patriarchal Blessing
***James Henry Hart's blessing was given by Patriarch John Smith, the eldest son of Hyrum Smith. I have tried to keep the blessing as "original" as possible, but did add a few punctuation and grammar corrections for clarity. Apparently Patriarch Smith (or whoever was acting as his scribe) was not big on grammar, punctuation or penmanship, which made James' blessing extremely hard to read and decipher. I hope you enjoy!***
Bloomington, Idaho. August 22nd, 1870.
A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of James Henry Hart, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Hart. Born Huntingdonshire, England, June 21st, 1825.
Brother James, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth I place my hands upon thy head to pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee as the spirit may indicate. Thou art of the House of Israel and entitled to the blessings of the New and Everlasting Covenant with the gifts of the priesthood. Thou art of the blood of Joseph and through the loins of Ephraim and entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Issac and Jacob and I say unto thee [unreadable] firm in thy [unreadable]. Seek wisdom and thou shalt know the will of the Lord and bless thee with the gifts of thy calling. Thou shalt realize thy portion and be blessed in thy labors spiritually and temporally if thou wilt listen to the whisperings of the still small voice of the comforter. The eyes of the Lord are upon thee. He hath given thine angel charge [unreadable] who will protect thee in the future as in the past. He shall spare thy life for a wise purpose and removed the stumbling block from thy pathway and hath warded off the arrows of the adversary which hath been hurled at thee as [unreadable] to the promptings of the spirit within thee and thou shalt be warned of dangers and be able to foresee future events. Thou shalt have the gift of healing the sick by the laying on of hands, have power over evil and unclean spirits. Health and peace shall reign in thy life forever and thou shalt fill up the measure of thy creation. Thy posterity shall be numerous and shall sing thy name from generation to generation. Thy days and years shall be long according to thy faith and thou shalt better see and understand things as they are and comprehend the blessings promised to the faithful. Thou shalt assist gathering scattered Israel. Thou shalt not lack for the comforts of life and thou shalt feed many in times of scarcity. This with thy former blessings I seal upon thy head and seal the up to eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, a savior unto thy father's house Even so. Amen.
Bloomington, Idaho. August 22nd, 1870.
A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of James Henry Hart, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Hart. Born Huntingdonshire, England, June 21st, 1825.
Brother James, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth I place my hands upon thy head to pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee as the spirit may indicate. Thou art of the House of Israel and entitled to the blessings of the New and Everlasting Covenant with the gifts of the priesthood. Thou art of the blood of Joseph and through the loins of Ephraim and entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Issac and Jacob and I say unto thee [unreadable] firm in thy [unreadable]. Seek wisdom and thou shalt know the will of the Lord and bless thee with the gifts of thy calling. Thou shalt realize thy portion and be blessed in thy labors spiritually and temporally if thou wilt listen to the whisperings of the still small voice of the comforter. The eyes of the Lord are upon thee. He hath given thine angel charge [unreadable] who will protect thee in the future as in the past. He shall spare thy life for a wise purpose and removed the stumbling block from thy pathway and hath warded off the arrows of the adversary which hath been hurled at thee as [unreadable] to the promptings of the spirit within thee and thou shalt be warned of dangers and be able to foresee future events. Thou shalt have the gift of healing the sick by the laying on of hands, have power over evil and unclean spirits. Health and peace shall reign in thy life forever and thou shalt fill up the measure of thy creation. Thy posterity shall be numerous and shall sing thy name from generation to generation. Thy days and years shall be long according to thy faith and thou shalt better see and understand things as they are and comprehend the blessings promised to the faithful. Thou shalt assist gathering scattered Israel. Thou shalt not lack for the comforts of life and thou shalt feed many in times of scarcity. This with thy former blessings I seal upon thy head and seal the up to eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, a savior unto thy father's house Even so. Amen.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Thomas Hart
I have a HUGE family. In fact, I can recall family gatherings during my childhood where standing room only was the expected norm, and the line for Thanksgiving turkey seemed like something you would expect to find at Disneyland. And what is even more impressive is the fact that these family gatherings (in Grand Junction) only represent a small fraction of the Hart family as a whole. Yes, my big, cancerous family spreads out all over the United States (and other countries for that matter); one large, loud collection of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. who all owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to one man: Thomas Hart.
I am guessing that some of my family members are a little surprised to hear me say that Thomas is the man who deserves our appreciation and respect. For most in my family the man who is credited with being the "patriarch" is my great-great Grandfather, James Henry Hart. And though there is no doubt that James was a remarkable man worthy of my family's deepest love and admiration, I feel that the story of his father often goes overlooked.
My first encounter with my great-great-great Grandfather came in the form of long, boring lectures on genealogy from my dad, who would harangue my brothers and I on the importance of family history. Of course, like most young boys, my brothers and I would pretend to listen to what my dad had to say, though most of our focus was on "more important" things like basketball, video games, etc. But surprisingly, even though I was young and somewhat uninterested, my dad's words managed to sink in. Tales of my family's proud history, particularly of James Hart and his important role during the critical formative years of the early Mormon church, resonated inside of me. Perhaps it was the passion for history that my dad and I have always shared, or perhaps it was something more. Maybe Malachi's words about "the heart of the fathers [being turned] to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers" was true. Perhaps nothing does run thicker than blood.
Either way, as I became older my curiosity with James Hart grew. I recall reading Edward Hart's excellent 1978 biography on James Hart and feeling even more impressed with my roots. But the more I learned about James the more I wanted to know about his father, Thomas. For some reason, Thomas stood out to me. Maybe it was the simple fact that ever since I was a child, I wanted to name one of my children (coincidentally) Thomas (I never fulfilled that goal, though I would certainly consider it now if I were ever to have a 3rd son). Or maybe it's the fact that I too married a woman (coincidentally) named Elizabeth. Whatever the case, my strange attachment to a man I know very little about has remained with me all these years. And now as an adult, after all the years that I have studied history (my family's history in particular), I can confidently say that I have a very proud and noble heritage. Sure, this declaration may sound somewhat conceded (though I certainly don't mean it as such) but I stand by it. Though I never met my great-great-great Grandfather, and regardless of the fact that very little about him survives, I am happy to proclaim loud and proud the name of Thomas Hart!
Unfortunately not much is known about Thomas' life other than a few surviving letters and what his son James briefly wrote in his journals. Even Edward Hart's excellent bio of James Hart treads lightly on the life of Thomas and his wife Elizabeth. From what does survive, however, we can conclusively say that Thomas was a devout Christian man who took his family, civic and church responsibilities extremely serious. In his advanced age, James Hart paid homage to his father by calling him "an upright, honorable, God-fearing man" who loved his wife and family. And though nothing in the way of primary source material survives, I maintain that we can draw some reasonable conclusion about the man from the history of the time in which he lived.
Thomas was born circa 1783 in Godmanchester, England. He was the son of John "Shakespeare" Hart and Alice Rickets. Family legend has it that this John "Shakespeare" Hart was a descendant of none other than William Shakespeare, but this family story is almost certainly a myth. William Shakespeare and his wife Anne Hathaway had three children: Hamnet (who died at 11), Susana (who had a daughter named Elizabeth, who had no known children) and Judith (who had three children, all of whom died before she did). As a result, the supposed Hart-Shakespeare connection is, to borrow from Shakespeare himself, "Much Ado About Nothing." The fact that John was born in Stratford-upon-Avon is interesting, since that is the birth and death site of Shakespeare himself. However, the "Shakespeare" middle name was probably nothing more than a nickname given to honor the town's favorite hero.
With that said, there is one scenario in which Thomas may be related to Shakespeare in a roundabout way. One of William Shakespeare's eight siblings was a woman named Joan, who married a hatter named William Hart. There is the possibility that William Hart was the great-great-uncle of Thomas Hart. If so, that would make William Shakespeare my great-great-great-great-great uncle.
But getting back to Thomas...
Records show that Thomas Hart most likely married a Lady Barnard who probably died shortly thereafter (The "Lady Bernard" connection is also probably another source for the Shakespeare myth, since Shakespeare had a granddaughter named Elizabeth, Lady Barnard). At some point, Thomas made the short move to Huntingdonshire and on March 27, 1807 was married for a second time to Elizabeth Marriott. The couple would go on to have 10 children, the 8th of which was my G-G Grandfather, James. We can say, based on some circumstantial evidence, that Thomas was probably employed as a thatch master (and possibly a tenant farmer of sorts). This is supported by the fact that Thomas worked as his church's sexton (and was probably a Verger), which meant that he was responsible for maintaining the church's cemetery, grounds, etc.
Thomas served faithfully for over fifty years as church clerk and sexton for the Church of St. Margaret of Hemingford Abbots, the family's local Anglican parish. It is interesting to note the fact that Thomas' family had apparently maintained a very close attachment to the Church of England for several generations. This is noteworthy because Huntingdonshire was also the birthplace of the infamous Oliver Cromwell, who as we know, overthrew the English crown during the English Civil War. Cromwell's hatred for the Church of England is no mystery to historians. His Puritan leanings were well known to all, and his hometown of Huntingdonshire was certainly aware of, and sympathetic to the views of its favorite son. In addition, Huntingdonshire was home to a massive 19th century surge of Baptist a Quakers, the same time that Thomas was serving in the Anglican church. As a result, the Hart Family's loyal attachment to the Church of England essentially flew in the face of the sweeping tides of change that were taking over the English countryside. Staying loyal to the faith of his fathers was surely a chore for Thomas.
Life in Huntingdonshire must have been an interesting experience for Thomas. Though never a massive center of commerce and industry, the small town did experience a wide range of changes in the 19th century. Expanding industry and increasing agricultural demand were the main changes that would have certainly impacted Thomas' life choices. And if Thomas was employed as a tenant farmer/thatchmaster (which is almost certainly the case), the emerging forces of market capitalism were probably overwhelming. Instead of following in the traditional land subsistence economy that had been standard operating procedure for decades, Thomas was probably forced to acquiesce to new market demands and pressures. No matter what the case, it is clear that Thomas was able to (at least while his kids were young) provide a happy, stable life. As his son James would later write, Thomas and Elizabeth were "held in high esteem."
But as is the case with life, somewhere along the line things changed for Thomas. Probably the result of market forces, the stability of life in Huntingdonshire was becoming more difficult to sustain, and as a result, Thomas eventually longed to follow his son's lead and immigrate to the United States. In an 1854 letter to James' wife, Emily, Thomas wrote:
For a man like Thomas Hart, who spent an incredible amount of time in the affairs of the church, the plight of the poor was a reality he had to be extremely familiar with. After all, the church was oftentimes the last beacon of hope to those who had nowhere else to turn. As historians Steven King and Allanah Tomkins point out:
But perhaps there was a second reason that Thomas wished to immigrate to the United States. In his letter to James' wife, Emily, Thomas states that he had been working with James on an arrangement that would end with Thomas and his wife "going to the Valley." This is noteworthy because the Mormons had settled the Salt Lake valley by this time and were already starting construction on the temple. Now, perhaps Thomas was simply referring to the Mississippi River valley near St. Louis, where James and Emily were living at the time, but there can also be little doubt that Thomas would have been aware of the Mormon settlement in the west. In addition, it is worth pointing out that most early saints referred to Salt Lake as "Zion", "Deseret" and "the Valley." If Thomas was trying to refer to St. Louis why not simply say St. Louis? By writing "going to the Valley" (capital V), one wonders if Thomas was looking forward to settling with the Saints in Salt Lake. After all, he knew that this is where James and his family would eventually end up.
I find this significant because aside from James converting to Mormonism, Thomas' son John and daughter Elizabeth were also members (along with their spouses). There is little doubt that Thomas, and his wife Elizabeth, were familiar with the church's doctrines. If Thomas was wanting to convert, it would have made sense to move first. After all, he was a prominent figure in his community's parish. To avoid angering the church's parishioners, and to maintain social graces, Thomas would have needed to relocate before converting. The impropriety of converting to Mormonism and remaining in Huntingdonshire would have been almost too much to bear, especially in their older age and poor health. Unfortunately, Thomas and Elizabeth were never able to fulfill their dream of immigrating to the United States. Elizabeth fell on poor health and died on Christmas day, 1862. Thomas followed her four years later, passing away in January of 1866.
There is no doubt in my mind that Thomas Hart's devotion rubbed off on his children, particularly James. Though he never crossed the Atlantic, his love of God and devotion to family crossed all oceans and is felt even 150 years later by his descendants. Thomas' steadfast life is an example of how the integrity of one common man can change the world for the thousands of descendants who have and will continue to follow his lead. And for his descendants, Thomas' testimony of God is captured in his letter to his daughter-in-law, Emily when he wrote:
Thomas Hart's work was completed for him on the following dates:
Baptism: 29 May 1894, Logan, UT.
Endowment: 30 May 1894, Logan, UT.
Sealed to parents: 4 Dec. 1968, Logan, UT.
Elizabeth Marriott's work was completed on the following dates:
Baptism: 29 May 1894, Logan, UT.
Endowment: 30 May 1894, Logan, UT.
Sealed to parents: 11 Mar. 1993, Idaho Falls.
Thomas and Elizabeth were sealed on 30 May, 1894 in Logan, UT.
***I, Bradley A. Hart, am the son of Alan W. Hart, who was the son of Wendell D. Hart, who was the son of Arthur W. Hart, who was the son of James H. Hart, who was the son of Thomas Hart.***
I am guessing that some of my family members are a little surprised to hear me say that Thomas is the man who deserves our appreciation and respect. For most in my family the man who is credited with being the "patriarch" is my great-great Grandfather, James Henry Hart. And though there is no doubt that James was a remarkable man worthy of my family's deepest love and admiration, I feel that the story of his father often goes overlooked.
My first encounter with my great-great-great Grandfather came in the form of long, boring lectures on genealogy from my dad, who would harangue my brothers and I on the importance of family history. Of course, like most young boys, my brothers and I would pretend to listen to what my dad had to say, though most of our focus was on "more important" things like basketball, video games, etc. But surprisingly, even though I was young and somewhat uninterested, my dad's words managed to sink in. Tales of my family's proud history, particularly of James Hart and his important role during the critical formative years of the early Mormon church, resonated inside of me. Perhaps it was the passion for history that my dad and I have always shared, or perhaps it was something more. Maybe Malachi's words about "the heart of the fathers [being turned] to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers" was true. Perhaps nothing does run thicker than blood.
Either way, as I became older my curiosity with James Hart grew. I recall reading Edward Hart's excellent 1978 biography on James Hart and feeling even more impressed with my roots. But the more I learned about James the more I wanted to know about his father, Thomas. For some reason, Thomas stood out to me. Maybe it was the simple fact that ever since I was a child, I wanted to name one of my children (coincidentally) Thomas (I never fulfilled that goal, though I would certainly consider it now if I were ever to have a 3rd son). Or maybe it's the fact that I too married a woman (coincidentally) named Elizabeth. Whatever the case, my strange attachment to a man I know very little about has remained with me all these years. And now as an adult, after all the years that I have studied history (my family's history in particular), I can confidently say that I have a very proud and noble heritage. Sure, this declaration may sound somewhat conceded (though I certainly don't mean it as such) but I stand by it. Though I never met my great-great-great Grandfather, and regardless of the fact that very little about him survives, I am happy to proclaim loud and proud the name of Thomas Hart!
Unfortunately not much is known about Thomas' life other than a few surviving letters and what his son James briefly wrote in his journals. Even Edward Hart's excellent bio of James Hart treads lightly on the life of Thomas and his wife Elizabeth. From what does survive, however, we can conclusively say that Thomas was a devout Christian man who took his family, civic and church responsibilities extremely serious. In his advanced age, James Hart paid homage to his father by calling him "an upright, honorable, God-fearing man" who loved his wife and family. And though nothing in the way of primary source material survives, I maintain that we can draw some reasonable conclusion about the man from the history of the time in which he lived.
Thomas was born circa 1783 in Godmanchester, England. He was the son of John "Shakespeare" Hart and Alice Rickets. Family legend has it that this John "Shakespeare" Hart was a descendant of none other than William Shakespeare, but this family story is almost certainly a myth. William Shakespeare and his wife Anne Hathaway had three children: Hamnet (who died at 11), Susana (who had a daughter named Elizabeth, who had no known children) and Judith (who had three children, all of whom died before she did). As a result, the supposed Hart-Shakespeare connection is, to borrow from Shakespeare himself, "Much Ado About Nothing." The fact that John was born in Stratford-upon-Avon is interesting, since that is the birth and death site of Shakespeare himself. However, the "Shakespeare" middle name was probably nothing more than a nickname given to honor the town's favorite hero.
With that said, there is one scenario in which Thomas may be related to Shakespeare in a roundabout way. One of William Shakespeare's eight siblings was a woman named Joan, who married a hatter named William Hart. There is the possibility that William Hart was the great-great-uncle of Thomas Hart. If so, that would make William Shakespeare my great-great-great-great-great uncle.
But getting back to Thomas...
Records show that Thomas Hart most likely married a Lady Barnard who probably died shortly thereafter (The "Lady Bernard" connection is also probably another source for the Shakespeare myth, since Shakespeare had a granddaughter named Elizabeth, Lady Barnard). At some point, Thomas made the short move to Huntingdonshire and on March 27, 1807 was married for a second time to Elizabeth Marriott. The couple would go on to have 10 children, the 8th of which was my G-G Grandfather, James. We can say, based on some circumstantial evidence, that Thomas was probably employed as a thatch master (and possibly a tenant farmer of sorts). This is supported by the fact that Thomas worked as his church's sexton (and was probably a Verger), which meant that he was responsible for maintaining the church's cemetery, grounds, etc.
Thomas served faithfully for over fifty years as church clerk and sexton for the Church of St. Margaret of Hemingford Abbots, the family's local Anglican parish. It is interesting to note the fact that Thomas' family had apparently maintained a very close attachment to the Church of England for several generations. This is noteworthy because Huntingdonshire was also the birthplace of the infamous Oliver Cromwell, who as we know, overthrew the English crown during the English Civil War. Cromwell's hatred for the Church of England is no mystery to historians. His Puritan leanings were well known to all, and his hometown of Huntingdonshire was certainly aware of, and sympathetic to the views of its favorite son. In addition, Huntingdonshire was home to a massive 19th century surge of Baptist a Quakers, the same time that Thomas was serving in the Anglican church. As a result, the Hart Family's loyal attachment to the Church of England essentially flew in the face of the sweeping tides of change that were taking over the English countryside. Staying loyal to the faith of his fathers was surely a chore for Thomas.
Life in Huntingdonshire must have been an interesting experience for Thomas. Though never a massive center of commerce and industry, the small town did experience a wide range of changes in the 19th century. Expanding industry and increasing agricultural demand were the main changes that would have certainly impacted Thomas' life choices. And if Thomas was employed as a tenant farmer/thatchmaster (which is almost certainly the case), the emerging forces of market capitalism were probably overwhelming. Instead of following in the traditional land subsistence economy that had been standard operating procedure for decades, Thomas was probably forced to acquiesce to new market demands and pressures. No matter what the case, it is clear that Thomas was able to (at least while his kids were young) provide a happy, stable life. As his son James would later write, Thomas and Elizabeth were "held in high esteem."
But as is the case with life, somewhere along the line things changed for Thomas. Probably the result of market forces, the stability of life in Huntingdonshire was becoming more difficult to sustain, and as a result, Thomas eventually longed to follow his son's lead and immigrate to the United States. In an 1854 letter to James' wife, Emily, Thomas wrote:
I long for the time when we shall have your presence more fully. I wish I was on the ocean now. I would rather be drowned in the might of the sea than spend my last days in this country. I am quite tired of it & that will be joyful to meet to part no more, to be with them I so dearly love.There are several reasons why Thomas may have grown tired of his native soil. First, the English middle class of the 1800's had experienced decades of economic and political pressure. The budding industrial world and emergence of large scale market economics heaped tremendous burdens on the English working class. As a result, criminal activity skyrocketed as impoverished citizens were forced to seek other means for their survival. Workplace theft, begging, prostitution, petty theft, shoplifting, receiving of stolen goods all became commonplace practices as many of the poor were left to their own devices.
For a man like Thomas Hart, who spent an incredible amount of time in the affairs of the church, the plight of the poor was a reality he had to be extremely familiar with. After all, the church was oftentimes the last beacon of hope to those who had nowhere else to turn. As historians Steven King and Allanah Tomkins point out:
For most of its history, the local church parishes had controlled and ordered their poor with a combination of national legislation and local initiative. Poor relief was usually organized by the parish vestry [which Thomas was most likely a part of] who appointed an overseer of the poor to administer relief. Poor relief was an essentially face-to-face system, focused on the relationship between pauper and parish officer.In other words, Thomas Hart would have been very familiar with the intimate details of poverty relief in his community. In fact, it is likely that Thomas himself had fallen on hard times. In a January, 1854 journal entry, James Hart wrote:
I wrote a letter to Mr. Linton asking his assistance & influence to get my Father & Mother away with me to America, alleging as a cause their age and the distressing times, giving as an apology his past kindness and exigency of the caseIt therefore comes as no surprise that Thomas, and thousands of his fellow countrymen, would look across the Atlantic and see greener pastures. With the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo completed, the United States had what must have seemed like an endless supply of land and resources just waiting to be plucked.
But perhaps there was a second reason that Thomas wished to immigrate to the United States. In his letter to James' wife, Emily, Thomas states that he had been working with James on an arrangement that would end with Thomas and his wife "going to the Valley." This is noteworthy because the Mormons had settled the Salt Lake valley by this time and were already starting construction on the temple. Now, perhaps Thomas was simply referring to the Mississippi River valley near St. Louis, where James and Emily were living at the time, but there can also be little doubt that Thomas would have been aware of the Mormon settlement in the west. In addition, it is worth pointing out that most early saints referred to Salt Lake as "Zion", "Deseret" and "the Valley." If Thomas was trying to refer to St. Louis why not simply say St. Louis? By writing "going to the Valley" (capital V), one wonders if Thomas was looking forward to settling with the Saints in Salt Lake. After all, he knew that this is where James and his family would eventually end up.
I find this significant because aside from James converting to Mormonism, Thomas' son John and daughter Elizabeth were also members (along with their spouses). There is little doubt that Thomas, and his wife Elizabeth, were familiar with the church's doctrines. If Thomas was wanting to convert, it would have made sense to move first. After all, he was a prominent figure in his community's parish. To avoid angering the church's parishioners, and to maintain social graces, Thomas would have needed to relocate before converting. The impropriety of converting to Mormonism and remaining in Huntingdonshire would have been almost too much to bear, especially in their older age and poor health. Unfortunately, Thomas and Elizabeth were never able to fulfill their dream of immigrating to the United States. Elizabeth fell on poor health and died on Christmas day, 1862. Thomas followed her four years later, passing away in January of 1866.
There is no doubt in my mind that Thomas Hart's devotion rubbed off on his children, particularly James. Though he never crossed the Atlantic, his love of God and devotion to family crossed all oceans and is felt even 150 years later by his descendants. Thomas' steadfast life is an example of how the integrity of one common man can change the world for the thousands of descendants who have and will continue to follow his lead. And for his descendants, Thomas' testimony of God is captured in his letter to his daughter-in-law, Emily when he wrote:
"Whether we live or die, we shall be safe, for God will hide us in the cleft of the rock, his faithful ones, and truth shall be my shield and buckler. He is also the house of my salvation. O what a happy thing it is when one can say Jesus died for my sake. O what joy to anticipate the time when this earth will be celestialized, when we shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, no more to be tormented by the scoffer and the infidel, when we shall see that spoken in Revelations, a woman clothed with the sun, having the moon under her feet, and 12 stars on her head: a beautiful emblem of the church of God. O, my dear, no tongue can tell nor heart can conceive the things that God has laid up for them that love him.Thank you, great-great-great Grandpa for your example and faithfulness. I look forward to the day when you and I meet!
Thomas Hart's work was completed for him on the following dates:
Baptism: 29 May 1894, Logan, UT.
Endowment: 30 May 1894, Logan, UT.
Sealed to parents: 4 Dec. 1968, Logan, UT.
Elizabeth Marriott's work was completed on the following dates:
Baptism: 29 May 1894, Logan, UT.
Endowment: 30 May 1894, Logan, UT.
Sealed to parents: 11 Mar. 1993, Idaho Falls.
Thomas and Elizabeth were sealed on 30 May, 1894 in Logan, UT.
***I, Bradley A. Hart, am the son of Alan W. Hart, who was the son of Wendell D. Hart, who was the son of Arthur W. Hart, who was the son of James H. Hart, who was the son of Thomas Hart.***
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