May 31, 1970. Grand Junction, Co.
Blessing given by Louis S. Cardon
Brother Alan Wendell Hart:
By the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, which I bear and as an ordained Patriarch in the Grand Junction Stake, I place my hands upon your head to give you your Patriarchal Blessing. I give you this blessing, Brother Hart, expressly for your comfort and consolation and peace of mind, and may you receive the same in a spirit of humility and thanksgiving for this sacred hour in which the Lord will reveal unto you the purpose and reality of mortal life, and its unlimited possibilities for your growth and development in things pertaining to righteousness, and give you the inclination to go forward with renewed courage and faith and determination to fulfill your life mission with honor. May the spirit of the Lord be with us in rich abundance that you may enjoy the solemnity of this occasion, and receive a higher conception of your origin, and be made to realize that experience expands one's vision of the spiritual and intellectual values of life, and you will seek constantly for the higher things of life, that which is sacred and holy, and you will see life at its best.
The avenue of communication between heaven and earth will be constantly open to your view if you will seek the Lord in earnest prayer with humble and contrite spirit, and you will appreciate more fully the beauties of the gospel and the riches of eternity, and your soul will be enriched and purified and the eyes of your understanding will be opened and you will live abundantly. And according to your worthiness the riches of our Heavenly Father's Kingdom will be yours, and you will enjoy a happy blending of all the beautiful and worthwhile things life affords both in time and in eternity.
Alan, our Heavenly Father loves you and is pleased because of your faithful devotion to heavenly discipline while you lived in His presence in the home of your primeval childhood. By reason of your studious attitude, and as a natural consequence of activity, you graduated from your heavenly school of experience and embarked upon your mission in mortality. You bade temporary farewell to heavenly parents and friends and came to earth and tabernacled in the flesh not by accident, not by chance but for definite and glorious purpose; with a covenant that you would accept the Lord's program of earth life, and that you would apply yourself in the consumation of His great purposes, and adapt yourself to existing conditions, and make the best use of your time; appreciating the fact that every worthwhile attainment in life is predicated upon the principles of sacrifice, service and obedience to His purposes in all things.
Alan, love the Lord, keep his commandments and serve Him in righteousness and truth to the end and He will be merciful and gracious to you, and great shall be your reward and eternal shall be your glory. Your name shall be in the Lamb's Book of Life, never to be blotted out, assuring your election; - "And there shall be no more curse there; but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and you shall serve Him. And you shall see His face; and His name shall be in your forehead. And there shall be no night there; and you need no cradle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth you light; and you shall reign for ever and ever."
This is a wondrous day in which we live, and you came into the earth prepared and qualified to withstand the trials and tribulations and temptations, that the saints are beset with in these latter-days; for while you dwelt in that spirit world, the home of your primeval childhood, you were instructed and trained in a life of righteousness; and there you were triumphant and you demonstrated your love and devotion to the teachings of truth; and you kept you First Estate gloriously. You were retained in that spirit realm and then you were sent into mortal life through a choice lineage for you are a son of Abraham, of the House of Israel and the Family of Ephraim, and through this choice lineage you shall be ever strengthened; and wisdom and judgement shall be yours to recognize that strait and narrow path which you should follow. Strength and courage shall be given you according to the day in which you life, and you shall prevail over the forces of darkness and over the disappointment and trials of life, and you shall walk uprightly before the lord and keep His commandments.
The Lord has been kind and merciful unto you all the days of your life, and because you have humbled yourself before Him and acknowledged your need for His blessings He has blessed you with the Pearl of Great Price, membership in His church and Kingdom, and with a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel of salvation. Comparatively few of our Father's children in all the history of the world have received such great blessings as have come into your life. So lift up your heart in gratitude and rejoice for your are numbered among those whose privilege and duty it is to help prepare the earth for the wondrous day when our Lord and Savior will return in His power and glory to reward the faithful and to establish His reign of righteousness and peace over all the earth. For this purpose you were sent into mortal life, to work our your own salvation, and to help others work our their salvation; and to be a servant of the Lord to help in preparing the way for his Millennial reign.
You realized before coming to earth, as the gospel plan of life and salvation was made plain to you, quite in detail, that you would encounter difficulties and that at times your pathway would be rugged, but you also realized that every problem solved and overcome would serve as an additional steppingstone to further progress along the pathway of eternal progression. The Lord is pleased with you for your cheerful countenance and pleasing personality, and for your willingness to submit yourself to His will in all things. I admonish you to seek Him in earnest fervent prayer, and He will come to your aid in time of real need; I bless you with renewed health and vigor of mind and body and strength of spirit, and you shall enjoy full and complete use of all your faculties, and you will grow spiritually and intellectually by keeping your body clean and pure, and free from anything of a defiling nature, by living the law of physical health and spiritual development as it has been revealed to us from heaven in these latter-days. And you will have the love and confidence and respect of those who know you and you will have sweet and pleasant and rich experiences. Be active in participation in the auxiliary organizations of the church and quorums of the priesthood to which you belong, which the Lord has given you as a means of education to continue your scholastic training, and to develop the gifts and talents with which He has endowed you and with which you will realize more fully as you continue in life and by following the straight and narrow way, you will eventually be led back home into the presence from whence you came.
You are a choice son of heavenly parents, held in reserve to come to earth in this momentous era of time, designated "The Dispensation of the Fullness of Time" and I exhort you to respond to every call that comes to you to serve, and you will enjoy the associations of your brethren in your councils and quorums of the priesthood. It will be your privilege to apply the priesthood in homes of the saints in administering to their needs, and especially to the sick and afflicted. You shall lay your hands on their heads and bless them, and shall witness their restoration to health by reason of faith and power of the priesthood, and you shall leave your blessing with them, and the same will manifest itself in your own home and your loved ones will appreciate and enjoy its power and the many blessings the Lord has for them. Those with whom you associate will seek your advice and counsel in things pertaining to righteousness. Your ability as an instructor and teacher of the gospel and in whatever capacity you are called to serve, will increase, and your leadership will improve and you will be assigned from time to time, to labor where you can do the most good in teaching the principles of truth that were instituted in the councils of eternity, to the youth of Zion, and also to the more mature as you continue to advance in years and knowledge of the gospel. I bless you that in your teaching that you shall have a power that goes beyond the mere skill of teaching, that goes beyond sight, that goes beyond hearing. A power to pierce the heart and convince the soul, that remakes an individual, changes a life and brings peace and consolation from a divine source.
I bless you that you shall be wise in your selection of a companion, by earnest prayer to the Lord and by your choice you shall choose one of his favored daughters and handmaiden, and shall have her sealed to you in the House of the Lord, for all time and eternity. Together you will establish an eternal family, a patriarchal family and choice spirits will come into your home and I bless you that in the home you establish the spirit of the Lord will have a directing influence, and there shall be a spirit of love, and harmony and peace and kindness will prevail therein, and that in this atmosphere all that come into the sacredness of your home will enjoy the blessings. And I bless you that you will realize that home and family and teaching them correct principles is your paramount duty in life and your posterity will perpetuate in their lives your noble and worthy examples, and they will become great and useful in their day and generation upon the earth.
Now, Alan, I seal this blessing upon your head, predicated upon your faithfulness, with power to come forth in the Morning of the First Resurrection, there to meet your Redeemer and your loved ones, and to take your place in the Eternal Family and I do this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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