***James Henry Hart's blessing was given by Patriarch John Smith, the eldest son of Hyrum Smith. I have tried to keep the blessing as "original" as possible, but did add a few punctuation and grammar corrections for clarity. Apparently Patriarch Smith (or whoever was acting as his scribe) was not big on grammar, punctuation or penmanship, which made James' blessing extremely hard to read and decipher. I hope you enjoy!***
Bloomington, Idaho. August 22nd, 1870.
A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of James Henry Hart, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Hart. Born Huntingdonshire, England, June 21st, 1825.
Brother James, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth I place my hands upon thy head to pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee as the spirit may indicate. Thou art of the House of Israel and entitled to the blessings of the New and Everlasting Covenant with the gifts of the priesthood. Thou art of the blood of Joseph and through the loins of Ephraim and entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Issac and Jacob and I say unto thee [unreadable] firm in thy [unreadable]. Seek wisdom and thou shalt know the will of the Lord and bless thee with the gifts of thy calling. Thou shalt realize thy portion and be blessed in thy labors spiritually and temporally if thou wilt listen to the whisperings of the still small voice of the comforter. The eyes of the Lord are upon thee. He hath given thine angel charge [unreadable] who will protect thee in the future as in the past. He shall spare thy life for a wise purpose and removed the stumbling block from thy pathway and hath warded off the arrows of the adversary which hath been hurled at thee as [unreadable] to the promptings of the spirit within thee and thou shalt be warned of dangers and be able to foresee future events. Thou shalt have the gift of healing the sick by the laying on of hands, have power over evil and unclean spirits. Health and peace shall reign in thy life forever and thou shalt fill up the measure of thy creation. Thy posterity shall be numerous and shall sing thy name from generation to generation. Thy days and years shall be long according to thy faith and thou shalt better see and understand things as they are and comprehend the blessings promised to the faithful. Thou shalt assist gathering scattered Israel. Thou shalt not lack for the comforts of life and thou shalt feed many in times of scarcity. This with thy former blessings I seal upon thy head and seal the up to eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, a savior unto thy father's house Even so. Amen.
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