Preston, Idaho. December 9th, 1935
A blessing given by William M. Daines, Patriarch, upon the head of Wendell Doney Hart, son of Arthur W. Hart and Ada Lowe Hart.
Brother Hart, by the authority vested in me as a servant of the Lord, I give unto thee a Patriarchal Blessing in the name of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, and I say unto thee rejoice for thine inheritance and for the examples of faithfulness of thy parents and progenitors, for thou hast had laid for thee a solid foundation upon which to build character and personality that will enable thee, as thous dost' go through the journey of life, to perform a wonderful mission of helpfulness in the Kingdom of God upon the Earth.
Thou art of Ephraim, and an heir unto the Holy Priesthood, and shalt be able to exercise the powers thereof to the encouragement and blessing of many with whom thous shalt be called to labor. Thou shalt sustain thy file leaders and receive their blessing and approval, and shall preside in humility and be a power for righteousness. Thou shalt have the privilege of enjoying the Spirit of Prophecy on thy labors in the church, and in humility warn thereby.
Thou shalt have the privilege of preaching the Gospel to seekers after truth at home and abroad and be able to thy efforts to the understanding of the unlearned, and the admiration of the educated, and be able to deliver thy message under the inspiration of the Lord and to the convincing of the honest of heart.
Thous halt have health and strength for thy labors, and opportunity of taking part in the common affairs of life for thy sustenance and that of thy loved ones, and shall be honorable in all thy dealings with thy fellow men. Through humility thous shalt be inspired of the Lord to choose thy course in life and receive all necessary assistance to fit and prepare to do well whatever thou dost set thy hand to accomplish, and shall be honored by the communities where thou shalt live, with their confidence and good will.
Thou shalt be a comfort unto thy parents throughout their lives upon the earth, and be able to assist them in all their emergencies. Thou shalt have faith in all the principles of the Gospel and labor in all thy callings with determination and success.
I seal these blessings upon thy head through thy faith and faithfulness and seal thee up against the powers of the adversary unto the day of redemption, which I do by the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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